Thursday, October 6, 2011

Safe handling of food

Safe handling of food

Pressure Cooker

The safe handling of food is extremely important to prevent the disease, that bacteria, like salmonella and E. coli, the emergence of diseases that can be very devastating, even fatal.

Foodborne illness is generally caused by improper handling, preparation or storage of food causes. But good hygiene practices before, during and after food preparation, the chances of disease. There are a lot of food around, "the courses available which is good and evil with the handling of food. Teach

Hereare some simple tips on food hygiene and food safety, which will be of great help to get started:

· Make sure to buy only food source known and reliable. All original packaging should not be and has been manipulated. Check expiration dates before buying a food product.
Always · Ensure that all service counters should, knives and box cutters to be clean.
· Fridge, freezer and refrigeration units must be set at appropriate temperatures.
· AvoidThe bacteria in the food chain.
• You wash your hands before touching food. Wash your hands after blowing your nose, touch your face, touching pets, changing diapers and going to the bathroom.
· DRY hands on paper towels.
• Do not eat, smoke or chew gum while the food cooked.
· Cut your salad and then take the food to be cooked.
• Use separate cutting boards for meat and vegetables.
· Washcutting boards after each use.
Eliminates bacteria on food, utensils and work surfaces.
• The best way to destroy all bacteria, the food in a pressure cooker to cook. The combination of high temperature and atmospheric pressure is completely sterilize the food.
· Cook the food as quickly as possible.
· Wash all utensils with hot water and detergent and store in a dry and clean.
• To clean the microwave oven walls, ceiling androtating disks regularly.

If you follow these simple tips for safe food handling, you can reduce the contamination of food to some extent, but for more information on food safety and food hygiene, it is advisable to attend a food handlers.

Food handlers in Texas is a provider certified course with all the agencies of local, regional and national. For more information, visit:

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